viernes, 10 de septiembre de 2010

-Did  the paramilities  chief  deliver some properities?
RTA=  Yes,  two paramilities  delivered some properities.

4-How  many victims   have  registered?
RTA= so far  280.000  victims  have   been  registered

- Did    Manpujan  represent  in crimes   only 0,39 porcent?
 yes,  Manpujan is only   0,39 porcent  of crimes

5- What  did  she suggest?
RTA=  She  suggested  a new tax   that  pay  for the victims

-Did the companies  pay  this  tax  for is accussed?
RTA= yes

6-  Who is Eduardo Pizarro
RTA=Eduardo Pizarro  is the president of  Reconciliation   and reparation  natonal comission

- Did the done  to chile?
RTA= Yes  he doned  a compessotion  for the victims in chile

7- How many  mechanims  did have Colombia  for pay  the victins?
RTA=  Colombia have two mechanism  for pay at victims

-  Did colombia pay  in a mechanins   every victims  17 millions pesos ?
RTA= yes

8- Why  is colombia needs  to aproaches  the  former  presidential  candidate?
-Did gustavo Petro saed  than  vintins  related  topics?
RTA= in five years  only obtain  32 billion
-Did the  paramilitaries  chiifs  deliver some  properties?
RTA=Yes , two  paramilitaries  delivered  some properties.

4- How many  victims did  have been  registered?
RTA=  so far  280.000 victims   have been  registered
-Did the paramilitaries  delivered some properities?
RTA= YES, two paramilitaries  delivered some properities


jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010


The  judger  ordened  a compesation  cost for Manpujan, is a smoll village  in Bolivar´s  deparment .There were
killed  11  peoples  and was  displaced. This  compesation  rises  well up  to 117  billions  pesos   for the  peoples  in the first  sentence  of   justice  and  peace.

She ordened  to pay  240 million  and 120 millions  for  each  fanily that  were  victims  of  desplaced  and killed.

In five  years  only obntain 32 billion pesos  fund pay  whole   but only  for a quuarter  of masacress  and  two  convicted   paramilitary  barely delivered  some  propeties  of  the  displaced.

She said  that  the mascre  is only 0,39  porcent  of crimens in Colombia  so  far  280.000   peoples  victims  registered.

 The  judger  demanded  and  ordened  that  the  properties  that  beloged   to the  condement  para-politians.Senten  ced  restainig  the propeties  of  those   who  are  being  inquied   for crimes.

The judger  sugested  a new tax  that  be pay  for the companies  accused  of  financed  paramilitary  and the properities that  were  confiscated, laded to the fund.

Eduardo Pizarro  is the president  of the  reconciliation  an reparation   national  comission, he  worked  successfully  in the  international   preture and  was  done  is chile  a  compesation  of victims  in chile.

Colombia  have two  mechanisms  administrative  as pay  to  victims 17 milions   pesos  or  legal  way  and  more  expensive.

Colombia  needs  a way  out the president Santos  say  doesnt  have   any cost   for  the national  budget.

Eduardo Pizarro   seroms   have time   for  dialogue   of  justice  and  peace  and  is   better  be sooner than  later.


1-  What  was  the  judger  espose?
  RTA=  the judger exposed paid  every victims  of paramilitaims in colombia

 - Did the paramilitaries  kill and displaced    at people?
RTA= yes,  the paramilitaries  displaced and killed  at  peoples.

2-How  much  money  did  she  ordened  pay?
RTA=  she ordened  pay more of  240 milions  pesos

 - Did the  ordened  pay    240 millions pesos  for  each   of the families?
RTA= Yes.

3- How much  money  did obtain?
RTA=Obtain 32 billion  pesos.